
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sarah Smiley: Im Just Saying

This is a great (and HILARIOUS) Book & you all should read it. Since I know that not all of you will. I decided to copy this and replace her husbands name with mine because I find it so humorous and I think many of you will as well =))
Did you know that as recently as the 1970's, it was believed that a service member's spouse's participation was a factor for considering military promotions?
Ah, but here's the real shocker: according to some people, this practice continues today, albeit in a more discreet, elusive sort of way. Don't believe it? Don't worry. Im not sure I believe it either. I mean, Dustins made it this far, hasnt he?
Even so, here is what a retired Navy reader recently sent me via email after one of my pinger-pointing columns about miltary medicene.
A word to the wise: in my day not all the inputs considered by promotion boards were written down... you may wat to wash soiled linen within he service in order to preclude a future whine about the promotion process.

I receive this type of sentiment a lot, actually. One of the most frequently asked questions about my column is " Your husband lets you write that?" Coincidentally, there is also a heated debate on's message board titled "Reflection of our spouses?" where military spouses are arguing back and forth about whether or not our actions-our lives-can affect our spouse's image within the miltary.

To put an end to the bickering, I've decided to pose a little scientific study. Let's say I asked this questionm, "If I, Alisheau Klopfer, am merely a reflection on my spouse and not a spereate human being, who by the way, happens to be a civilian...," (remember this is very scientific) "then it is safe to assume the following:
David Klopfer forgets to shave his legs every other day.
David Klopfer dyed his hair blonde, but thought it looked fake, so hes gone back to brown.
David Klopfer wishes he could remember that it takes two thirds cup of water to make microwave macaroni and cheese, but, alas, he has to read the small print on the back of the box every single time.
David Klopfer gets a giant blister on his right toe when he wears his favorite red high heels.
David Klopfer always gets the loud shopping cart with the lopsided wheels.
David Klopfer still hasnt figured out how to do the "self check-out" at Wal-mart.
David Klopfer is tryint to lose weight, but a love for chocolate frosting is proving that to be difficult.
David Klopfer rarely showers before he takes the kids to school in the morning.
David Klopfer is afraid of mice.
David Klopfer nearly threw out his shoulder tryin on one of those fancy girdle with the nice new name, "Spanx."
David Klopfers greatest fear is being trapped in a public bathroom stall because he'd rather sit there and starve than crawl on the floor underneath to get out.
David Klopfers favorite spectator sport is bull riding, although this has less to do with the sport and more to do with the riders.
David Klopfer is trying to cut back to only two Diet Dr. Peppers a day, which is only causing him to eat more chocolate frosting.
When David Klopfer is nervous, he grinds his teet so hard that his nose gets numb.
David Klopfer feels cranky in the morning if his pants are too tight, his underwear to large, or if his hair looks like someone hit him over the head with a frying pan.
David Klopfewr mistakenly believes he has a good voice when he sings, "Gilligan's Island" in the shower.
Nothing says home to David Klopfer like a nice pair of leopard print slippers an d flannel pajamas.
David Klopfer once tried to count to a million and threw up.
And Last, David Klopfer married a fantastic spouse!
So Judging by our little expeiment, I think it is safe to say just one thing: David Klopfers wife has issues.
As for all this reflecting on our spouse stuff? Well, I just hope the reverse isnt true (That our husbands reflect upon us), because that would mean that I'm terrible with directions and that I have a five o'clock shadow by noon.
You smiled atleast once, admit it =))


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