
Friday, July 30, 2010

-I- h-A-te you

David is leaving to go IA and "defend democracy". Yes, I understand that it's necessary. Yes, I understand that I knew this was part of the package, that it was a trade off... I am marrying someone who deploys frequently, he married someone with an unhealthy obsession with facebook. I know. But freakin hell, it seems like he just got back! Why are we now finding out that he'll be leaving again? They gave us all of 2 months notice. Do you know how hard it is to prepare to live as half yourself for a YEAR, in 2 months time? We have soo much to get done. His divorce still isnt finalized, we have a court date set for August 18th, and Im praying we walk out of there with a divorce decrea. I know David and the [X] have been seperated for years now, but Im still not giddy about the idea of getting married just days after his DIVORCE is finalized. I guess its just the "sound" of that, that I dont like. =// I wanted to choke her when I found out they were still "legally married" after we were...well, I WAS, under the impression they had been divorced for 3 years now. In all senses of the word he has been "MINE" for 2 years now, and thats how it will stay, I have no doubt, but I cant help but be irritated by the way things are coming together. I already gave up my big wedding, for a smaller one [which was fine], and now I have been reduced to "just doing it". How we are married isnt as important as the meaning behind it, but...How else do I explain it except its every girls dream....I guess thats the sacrafice of a military wife.
So, not only do we have to put a rush on getting married, we have to put a rush on buying a new car. We planned to buy one early next year and now we have to buy it within the next month. We also need a new laptop so he can take ours with him. David is re-enlisting next week. We have to get his Page 2s, & Power of Attorney in order. We will then have to go get IDs and deal with insurance for the girls and I. Next will be putting base stickers ont the new car, and then getting the RPP set up on our house. AHHH!
After all this is said and done David has brought up the two of us taking a vacation, or honeymoon by that time I guess. We dont know where, or for how long, but gosh doesnt that sound amazzzing?! I really hope we find the time to fit that in our schedule, but in the big picture it is coming in last.
David keeps talking about all the money we will save with him going IA, how much more the paycheck will be, yadda yadda yadda. While all of this is pleseant news, I would trade it all to have this next year with him HOME rather than in a war zone. =((.
Im sure it sounds as though I am rambling. All of these thoughts are still so jumbled in my head. I have every intention of sitting down making a TO DO list that must be completed before he leaves in OCT.!
Ugh, just the sound of OCTOBER makes my stomach turn.
I just got him back. I swear I did. & This is where I stop, before I start to sound like the "anti military wife" and ramble on and on about the Navy and Chain of Command and so on and so forth.
I guess after all is said & done, the title of this Blog could not ring more true than it does at this very moment. =//

I'm both sad and irate all in one.


New Signature.

Another Test. =)). Im having too much fun with this.
I think Ill keep this one for a while though, I promise!


...My Oh My...

So many things going on. Where do I even start.
I have been so busy teaching myself more about blogging, photoshop, and html. Iv mainly been using it to keep myself busy and not think so much.
Just a few days ago we found out that David will be going IA to Afghanistan in just 2 and a half months. I really dont want to go into how I feel about that right now. I have a feeling I will come off as the "anti-military spouse". Some things are better left unsaid, for now.
As far as the effect this will have: We have 2 months to get married, buy a new car, new laptop, get Page 2s, power of attorney, IDs, insurance, RPP, and HOPEFULLY take a small vacation, just the two of us =). I know there is so much more to be done before he goes and listing everything would take me days. Lets just say, AHHHHHHH, I need 5 more brains and 12 more hands to handle it sanely. =(.
Im sure I will be back very soon to whine and moan about this IA Business. Just thought Id make a short post to update things.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Toddler Prison.

Before I begin to spill my feelings on this subject I just want to say that my soon to be hubby is an amazing man. He is hard woking, loving, sweet and ....just honestly one the the nicest guys you will ever meet. He is a wonderful father, SO, Sailor, Son, & Uncle. I wouldnt trade my life with him for the world. I post this reminder because I am extremelly upset at the moment and I dont want anything I say to come off as a bad impression of the kind of man he is.
I, however, am stuck in TODDLER PRISON!!
Im not sure he totally understands the effects that spending all day, every day with a 6, 4, & 2 year old can have on a person. I have very little patience and very little sanity left.
As many of you know I have never spent a day of my life since I was 15 NOT working. Before I met David I worked every day of my life, most times 12 hours a day. I had my own house, car, and took care of my kids on my own. Ever since David & I have been together I have not worked a single day. All of my time as been spent as a housewife/stay at home mom. I love and appreciate my husband very much for giving me this opportunity. I am glad that I am able to see my kids so much more than I did when I worked my ass off every day. I love that I will have the chance to send them off to school in the morning and see them off the bus in the afternoon. So many parents miss out on these little things so often these days.
You may ask then, "If she is so appreciative, why the rambling post of Toddler Prison?"
I love my kids dearly, but God made me with a very, very, verrrrry low amount of patience. I am easily irritated throughout the day. & as some of you know a 6, 4, & 2 year old can wear that down pretty thin.
I have been in VA for about a year and a half and recently my soon to be hubby started complaining that I didnt want to go make any friends. I didnt feel the need to make any friends, Im not a freindly person, I seldom get along with groups of females because there  is just too much drama to be had. Sooo, I did meet a few wives here and there and I love them ALL Dearly! Sometimes I wonder how I lived without them. The majority of our "getting to know each other" stages were done so while the hubby was underway so there were no problems then. I have not spent a night out, a day out, from my family although Iv made these friends, while the hubby is home. I am a mom and I have no interest in being out partying & leaving him to tend to the kids. I have though, asked him to watch them for THIRTY MINUTES to AN HOUR so that I can go with one of the girls tanning. My hubby has been home from his underway for 10 days. Of these 10 days I have been tanning 3 times. THREE.  So in 3 days time he has watched our girls, plus Alex (18 months), for a total of MAYBE 2 hours. & let me just add that these 3 days were NOT consecutive. Other than going tanning, I do not LEAVE MY HOUSE at all, for ANY amount of time, unless I go sit out back, and even then my time is spent making sure the kids dont run away or kill one another.
So then I noticed something was wrong with him today just by the short, evasive texts I was getting. I asked what I did...& I got "Iv been feeling like you pay more attention to me when I'm at work and when I get home I get nothing except for "watch the kids" even though Iv been at work all day. Atleast you get some help. Im just frustrated with it." I am not completely cold hearted. I do understand that he works hard for our family EVERY DAY. On the THREE occasions I have asked him to watch the girls I have first: fed them, bathed them, and put them to bed, & put the baby gate up on their room. So in all fairness he has really only had Alex to tend to and there is a playpen that He can be put in and WAS put in when we got home each time. One of the times I bathed the kids, fed them and then he was asked to put them in bed, (which is pretty simple) and put the gate up. How then should I have to feel bad?
He makes it sound as though we have a revolving door and he walks in from work & I walk out.
I know that I signed up for some hard times when I chose this life, but I DID NOT sign up for having absolutely no time to myself with out 3 screaming kids in my ear. I do not think that 30 minutes 3 days a week is asking for too much. I do value what little sanity I have left, and if I cant have just this little bit of me time...said sanity will not be long lived.
Each of these times that I have went tanning I have first let him know or asked if it would be okay and his response each time " Yea sure baby go ahead, I dont mind watching the kids." --((On another note, its not WATCHING THE KIDS when they are yours, Its being a father!)) I spend all day every day here with the kids, how am I not allowed 30-60 minutes away, without a guilt trip from him!? I dont do it EVERYDAY & I finish things up around here and leave very little for him to deal with when I do leave the house.
I dont feel like he is being fair at all. Is a relationship not supposed to be "meet in the middle". I feel like Im giving my all to make him happy and getting nothing in return. Yes, he goes to work everyday, and works hard to provide for our family and protect our country, but Im not in this relationship for the paycheck he brings home. That cant be his only form of "give" in this relationship. I know what it is like to work and provide for my kids. Im not a spoiled wife who doesnt appreciate what her husband does for her, but I need more. I need to be able to hold on to my sanity. He has never asked, but once, to go out with the guys. & He did go when he wanted to that time. Im not even asking for time to go "hang out" with the girls, I just want an hour to go TANNING! UGHH, how is that asking for too much. I cant bring myself to understand. He acts like I use that revolving door and toss him a "to-do" list on my way out. =(
It seems to me that he wont be {Happy} unless I spend all day cleaning and cooking and tending to the kids needs. Wait for him to come home, Pick up after the trail he leaves through the house when he arrives. Serve him dinner, watch whatever he wants to watch on tv, and then come to bed at 7 or 8pm when he is ready, [give him what he wants] & then let him roll over and go to sleep. =//
Yes, I realize this is what every man would love. Yes, I realize all women think they are crazy.
I do clean all day, most days. Our house stays VERY clean. [I suffer from OCD]-&  I say suffer because it does get on MY nerves sometimes as well as everyone around me. ((Today I organized my BANDAIDS!)) Do I move everything everyday and whiteglove my house? NO. But it does stay clean and neat and everything is in its place. He never has to do a thing, except pick up his own clothes and put them in the basket, which if you follow my facebook posts you know he RARELY DOES. He does take the trash out MOST DAYS & On occasion before we got our dishwasher he did do the dishes.-RARELY. I do make dinner on most every night, excpet lately because A trip to the grocery store is desperately needed but he has the car all day at work so I never have time to go.  & Im sorry dear but I am NOT tired at 7 or 8 pm. Exhausted? Yes! REady to Relax? Yes. REady to close my eyes and fall asleep? No. I do try to come up and lay with him until he falls asleep and most times I end up on the computer in bed because I am just so bored laying here....What else am I going to do?
I have no arguement against giving him what he wants, we will leave that one alone =)
It just seems that he pushed and pushed for me to make friends, and now that I have, He hates me for it.
Maybe Hate is too strong of a word =//.
I dont know how to feel about this. I dont know how to fix this. I can not just give up every second of my life to taking care of this family and not having a single solitary moment to myself. I cant do it. He has to meet me in the middle. There has to be an agreement that can be made. Im not sure what else I can do. I feel like Im coming way past the middle by putting the kids in bed before I even ask to leave.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Footsteps at the Door

Another sleepless night for me
Alone upon our bed
I see again his every move
And those last words he said.
So proud he looked in uniform
Convinced that he was right
He had to go, for duty called
There was a war to fight.
Those last few days before he left
I hid the pain inside
We talked and loved and even joked
He never knew I cried.
And when the dreaded moment came
He kissed me tenderly.
His eyes met mine, and then he said,
"I'll be all right, you'll see."
I tried to smile and nod my head
Afraid to let him see
The terror that I feared if he
Did not come back to me.
I see him as he walked away
I tried to say 'good-bye'
But words were trapped within my throat
All I could do was cry.
The weeks have stretched now into months
And every night I pray
That God will keep him in his care
And bring him home one day.
At last I drift off into sleep
In dreams I see him more
I turn around and smile to hear
His footsteps at the door.
Restless I sleep, and then I wake
Not opening my eyes
I move my hand to reach for him
But no one near me lies.
I will not give in to despair
With each new day I'll cope
For I know he would want me to
Be brave and live with hope.
I hear the voices loud and strong
Who criticize the war
While yelling men are fools to go
They stay on freedoms shore.
A man who cowers under fear
Will die a thousand deaths
While men like mine for freedom fight
And offer their last breaths.
I hope perhaps in fifty years
When men remember war
They won't forget the wives who dreamed
Of footsteps at the door

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Where do I begin?

I originally planned on my next blog post being about My Wedding Day, but that will not be the case because there is more that I need to rant and rave about before we can go back to the happy place. Where do I even start to explain this one? Tracy & I met in kindergarden, she has literally been my best friend all my life. She has an older sister and a younger brother that I consider nothing less than my own. She called me today to tell me that Scott, her..OUR Younger Brother had been arrested. I freaked, instant reaction. He is 15, freaking 15. As the story goes on, He stabbed someone. From hearing this, Im not sure what to think. He is not the kind of boy that walks around talking about stabbing people for the hell of it because he thinks he sounds cool. So Im thinking..why? The situation--A few blocks from his house at 3am, a couple of boys pull up in a truck with things like Brass Knuckles, Baseball Bats, ect. & start the fight. Being in Virginia I have not seen him, but from Tracys description he is pretty messed up himself from them hitting him, at some point in this Scott stabbed one of the boys twice. (Once in the shoulder blade, once in the kidney). I will add that the boy Scott stabbed is 17, several inches taller than him, and carrying a baseball bat. I have no choice than to believe that he stabbed him in self defense. Hes a Baby..Hes my little brother. He wouldnt do this for a thrill.
Now, Scott is the only one sitting in Juvi awaiting to start trial on Tuesday. While the one boy is out running free and the second is laying in the hospital. Let me just say, I do NOT feel sorry for this little bastard. I am not a completely cold hearted bitch so Ill explain that a little. These boys have been "picking on" Scott for about 6 months now. Starting fights, breaking out Moms dining room window, the cops have been called and the wonderful police officers of Clay County say, "We have no physical proof that it was these boys. There is nothing we can do." Our local police department is full of a bunch of low life pricks who should be locked up themselves, or at the least their children are the scum of Brazils streets and should be locked up. So this boy that is laying in the hospital, I have no pity for. There were only a few choice ways for this situation end, and by not acting his age and gaining a little self respect, atleast enough to stop picking on a 15 year old, he choose this ending. I am not ignorant and I am in no way saying that what Scott did was right! I do not know why he had the knife in the first place and that question will be answered soon enough, but I 100% believe that he USED IT in self defense.
I am ...partially numb about this whole situation. He's just a baby, He should not have a reason to feel like he needs to carry a knife, he shouldnt have to worry about being jumped in this backwoods, worthless, hell whole of a town. I remember when his biggest problem in the world was that Scooby Doo wasnt on Tv when he wanted it to be. =((. I feel so helpless, although I know even if I were there I couldnt do anything for him. He should be home with his mom, studying, playing video games. Why do kids grow up so fast?  Why is fighting such a big part of life? What does it prove? Whyyyyyy
I hate today, in so many ways. I hate it.

Friday, July 23, 2010

My First Award.

Im feel like Im still getting the hang of this blogging thing, and sometimes I feel like I ramble..too Much. Yet today Im feeling extremely proud of my Ramblings that I have been given the --One Lovely Blog-- "pass along" award! <3.
I havent been blogging long, but it helps knowing that people do find my goings on ammusing =))
& It is definately an insentive to keep blogging!!
Miss Brittany over at My Life As A Sailors Princess gave me this award. It took a lot of learning to figure out how to "pass it along", most of my problems were due to my proudest blonde moments, and she may now be regretting ever giving it to me! =)) haha.
Now I believe I have caught on to how this works. I will now share 7 totally random things about myself and pass this award on to 9 fellow bloggers, and maybe brighten their day a little too. =))
My Family [My very soon to be Hubby, and our 3 girls] mean more to me than ANYTHING in this world. They are my true definiton of HAPPY!
I actually find myself enjoying Navy life sometimes. yes I miss him oh so much when  he is away, and I complain about the random down sides on occasion, but all in all the Navy has given us this life that we lead, it has enabled us to take care of our family, our kids. Although nothing it gives us will compare to what it takes away...I am still very thankful everyday for what it does give in return.
I have found myself on facebook wayy too much recently! I used to stay downstairs and watch the *millions* of shows I had recording, now I sit upstairs on the laptop & my DVR has gone crazzzy.
This should not even be number 4 buuut, I plan to write a whole rambling Blog about it later, sooo Number 4--I will be Mrs. David Andrew Klopfer in 6 months! ahhhh!
I bounce between wanting a baby, and feeling like I couldnt possibly handle any more a LOT. =//
I am soo tired of being sick, its ridiculous. I seem to be sick like..Once a month, at the least. Its depressing.
I got amazingly good news from my doctor yesterday! =))
I am passing this on to:

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Love

There are so many things going through my head right now, I dont know where to begin.
The main thing on my mind is this amazzzzing feeling I have just by the sight of my hubby laying next to me. THis last underway lasted about 3 weeks, but it was the longest 3 weeks ever! When he leaves for these short underways I have mixed emotions. At first its sort of ..Yay, I get to have the car, I can get out of the house, but when it comes down to it I dont want him to go. I miss him like crazy. Someone asked me recently, "What makes him so special?" & you know Iv thought about it so much since then. I cant quite put my finger on it, but this man is just amazing. The love he gives me, the feelings I feel when I think about him//see him//hear his voice on the phone, these are Once in a lifetime feelings. After three weeks of not being able to hold him or kiss him, It felt so wonderful to have his arms around me. Just the sight of him standing on the ship when they pulled in gave me butterflies. It was like homecoming all over again! I love this man with every thing I have! They way I feel about him, the way he makes me feel, Its just unexplainable. We bicker, we argue very rarely, but My gosh the good out weighs the bad in sOOO Maany ways!
He came home today with the news that he was asked to go IA. I cried, I got mad, we talked about it. He doesnt want to go, I dont want him to go, there..we agree.
I would understand if a part of him wanted to go, thats his job, his duty, its what he signed up for. I would support, love, and wait for him, for an eternity if thats what it took to have him home safe again! Do i want my husband gone for a year? ABSOLUTELY NOT! But I would never, never, be unfaithful, or walk away from him. What we have is too amazing to pass up just because we have to be apart for a year. That year apart would be sooo hard, but in the end I believe we would come out stronger and heck, a year apart is nothing compared to the MANY MANY MANY we have left together! Im not as terrified of the time apart as I am, WHERE HE WOULD BE, and WHAT HE WOULD BE DOING. That, however, is depressing and we will not go into that! Anyway, he doesnt want to go, Im hoping since he isnt jumping up and down with his hands in the air saying "pick me, pick me" that they will find someone else! I dont want anyone elses hubby forced away either but...dang it I choose to be selfish in this case =)) haha.
OKay sooo other than all this military hoobla, what else is there to ramble about? Well for the first time in a very long time we have all three of our girls together. Our family is complete, its only for a short time but its sooo nice! Tomorrow we are doing family pictures on the beach, and tooooo excited about this! A wonderful Lady and fellow wife is going to be our photgrapher! Judging by her work Iv seen thus far, she is amazing at what she does! These will be our first pictures of ALL 5 of us together! THey are wayyy past due! I love our family. We have 3 of the most amazing little girls that any parents could ask for!
Speaking of kids, as much as I looove our girls, sometimes I feel like Iv just reached my limit! Holli, our middle child, just seems so...out of control lately =((. It really makes me sad to see her being the only one misbehaving and getting in trouble and not getting the rewards and fun that the other two girls get. It makes me want to baby her more, but that does us no good when it comes to teaching her a lesson. In the past few weeks she has stolen toys from another childs house (actually hid them from me and brought them home with her). She hits her sisters when they arent doing what she wants. She is so bossy I dont know how to handle it. She rolls her eyes far too much, and it seems I have to tell her things ten times before she listens and when she does do as I tell her, it is always with an attitude. =((. Just yelling at her makes her cry...this I think she does on purpose. But then it makes it harder to get her to listen or understand what Im telling her when she is sobbing and screaming. I have tried having talks with her, I have tried the corner, I have tried smacking her hands, I dont bother smacking her butt--It does not phase her and wastes my energy. What to do, what to do? She is a beautiful, VERY smart little girl and only 4 years old, but her behavior toward ME and some other kids is just too much to handle sometimes. I have a very low patience level but I dont think that is the problem, she really is just gettin a little...out of control.
Anyway..on to the last thing on my mind for tonight... (I think). I am sooo ready to go back to school! I atleast want the general education courses under my belt so that when I decided what field I would like to go into I can get started! Having the girls and no extended family and being a military wife makes things a tad more difficult but..this is our life, this is the way its going to be. So these "excuses" are going to be worked around and I am GOING TO get it done! I want to be an example for my kids. Not that I see a problem with being a stay at home mom. I want the opportunity to be home with my girls and watch them grow and learn, help them with school and be here when they get off the bus, all those things that parents so often miss out on. & I loove my husband and appreciate him so much for allowing me that opportunity. I just want more for MYSELF. My husband provides very well for our family, but I could use something productive to do with my time and make something of myself for my family as well.
Now im sitting here staring at this gorgeous man next me and can no longer fight the urge to cuddle up in his arms and fall asleep =)[sigh* I love him]

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The New Look.

I think I finally found a design that Im happy with =)) Yay!
Hopefully this one will last more than a few weeks. I have a horrible habit of changing it wayyy too much.
So the update--I am getting together with a wonderful group of ladies tomorrow! I am super excited about it! Some of the ones that I already love dearly, and some new ones thrown in the mix, and some that I thought I lost but things are better now. --Side note for Brittany--I am so glad things are better with all of us, you are pretty much amazing. You can always lift my spirits, no matter the situation. I want to thank you so much for that! You really are a sweet person =))
Enough of that mushy heart felt stuff =// hehe. I am so ready for this underway to be done with! Its only been a few weeks but it feels like a deployment all over again! Emails stinks. Its always down. & speaking of email..all I get ever get from him on a day to day basis is "I love you, I miss you, I cant wait to be home, Whatd you do today? How are the girls?" & those are wonderful because no matter how small the sentence my heart stops everytime his name comes up on my phone, but it feels like we are having the SAME conversation EVERYDAY. I even wrote him a big long note last night so he would be in a good mood this morning, and I did get a small reply out of it..but by tonight it was back to the same old usual boringness. =((.
I know there isnt a real solution to this problem & thank god we dont have this problem with actually communicating at home! haha.
Gosh, I miss him so much. Even when he is home, I see him for like 3 hours a day MAX..but thats so much better than weeks [or months] at a time. But thats the life we choose. All day today Iv been singing "I knew who he was when I took his name, but some how knowing just isnt the same, late at night." Boy if that isnt the truth! That song makes me so emotional but I love it =)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The BEST of the Best

When I first moved out here I had a couple of friends from back home whos hubbys were also in the Navy so things were sooo much easier! But as it does, the Navy took them away. =(( Since they were stationed elsewhere I had pretty much been alone except having Rashell (an amazing wife and friend), to talk to and vent to, but we rarely saw one another. Through Rashell I met...Sarah Lynn...=) & a few other wives along the way. Rashell has been a wonderful friend since day one. Shes the sweetest person Iv ever met, yet she can be "bitchy" with us girls when the time is right! Shes been a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold, a vent for the anger and frustrations of Navy life, shes been everything Iv needed and always there when I need her! She has a wonderful hubby that my hubby gets along with great! HAving those two around has made a drastic change in my life. If she only know the times she has talked me through and the ways that she has helped me. She really has been a blessing!
Sarah has quickly became my best friend. We have only known each other a short time but it seems as though Iv always known her! The two of us have become close in a very short amount of time. This girl is really amazing. Shes always there when I need her, we talk about anything and everything like we have known each other from birth! She will listen to me ramble on and on about happy times, sad times, MAD times (Even if she is secretly laughing via facebook chat! =(( lol). She is really JUST what Iv needed and JUST in time! We are ..a perfect match & I think we can both agree that we were pretty much meant to be friends for life! =))
There have been some wives along the way that I have not felt the need to hang on to as much as these two, and some that I am just warming up to. But all in all Norfolk Navy Wives are a WONDERFUL group of women! Whether they are "my kind" of people or not, I hold a certain level of respect for them, becuase i know first hand what they go through, regardless of my feelings toward their personality or personal life, I believe that we all have enough troubles just being who we are and doing what we do, that I dont feel the need to take it any further than just not putting myself in the position to have to express my dislikes.
I dont know how I would handle this life we lead without these ladies! I love my husbad to death and he is my bestfriend, my confidant, my love, hes everything to me, but after all is said and done...He is still a guy. =/ haha. I love to have a little female companionship every now and then! Having friends out here has made a world of difference in my attitude, my day to day stresses, and really my whole outlook on the Navy Wife way of Life. Im not the type of girl who hangs out with a LARGE group of females. My reasoning..simply just because--everyone isnt always going to like everyone, and large groups mix the likables with the unlikables so people start talking and so on and so forth--and im sure guys do it too, but females just seem to stir the pot a little more I do believe! But we take the good with the bad and we move on, We are all just..who we are at the end of the day. No ones opinion should change that if we are happy with it ourselves.
I hate that my husband is gone as much as he is, it really puts a strain on our relationship, but Iv come to realize that we are stronger as a couple than ANYTHING the Navy can throw our way. Having these girls around has really improved our relationship tremendously. We have always had an amazing relationship we are both very honest and open with each other we can talk through anything I swear =)). He is amazing but sometimes this life gets to me as it does all of us, and of course he is on the other side of this life so he just...doesnt get it. & lord knows that trying to explain it to him is exhausting and useless! Of course he will listen and try his best to help and understand ...but its so much easier to have someone who knows first hand WHAT I MEAN!
Point of this blog being--I love these girls as much as I love some of my dearest and oldest friends! They have made HUGE change in ME and and My life. The Navy can be so stressful and take so much away from you as a person, and as a family, but it really has given us so much. We lead a very comfortable life, Our children have a great life and they dont want for a thing, we are by no means rich, but its a nice feeling knowing that we can provide the needs and some of the wants that they have. It has given me some of the greatest friends I wouldnt trade for the world. It has made me a better person by helping me to realize what is important in life, it has made me very proud of what my husband does. We have given up so much to be where we are, but we have Gained so much more!
Rashell & Sarah--The two of you have been the most wonderful part of this new life! I can honestly say that I dont know how I would make it through without you! Even when it comes down to Hair dryers and Sand buckets, you have never left my side! So many times friends stray and betray trust--I have never for a second thought that either of you are capable of ever hurting me. I put an enormous amount of trust in you as friends and fellow wives.
Now Im done pouring my heart out =)). I think its time for a new layout =))