
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The BEST of the Best

When I first moved out here I had a couple of friends from back home whos hubbys were also in the Navy so things were sooo much easier! But as it does, the Navy took them away. =(( Since they were stationed elsewhere I had pretty much been alone except having Rashell (an amazing wife and friend), to talk to and vent to, but we rarely saw one another. Through Rashell I met...Sarah Lynn...=) & a few other wives along the way. Rashell has been a wonderful friend since day one. Shes the sweetest person Iv ever met, yet she can be "bitchy" with us girls when the time is right! Shes been a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold, a vent for the anger and frustrations of Navy life, shes been everything Iv needed and always there when I need her! She has a wonderful hubby that my hubby gets along with great! HAving those two around has made a drastic change in my life. If she only know the times she has talked me through and the ways that she has helped me. She really has been a blessing!
Sarah has quickly became my best friend. We have only known each other a short time but it seems as though Iv always known her! The two of us have become close in a very short amount of time. This girl is really amazing. Shes always there when I need her, we talk about anything and everything like we have known each other from birth! She will listen to me ramble on and on about happy times, sad times, MAD times (Even if she is secretly laughing via facebook chat! =(( lol). She is really JUST what Iv needed and JUST in time! We are ..a perfect match & I think we can both agree that we were pretty much meant to be friends for life! =))
There have been some wives along the way that I have not felt the need to hang on to as much as these two, and some that I am just warming up to. But all in all Norfolk Navy Wives are a WONDERFUL group of women! Whether they are "my kind" of people or not, I hold a certain level of respect for them, becuase i know first hand what they go through, regardless of my feelings toward their personality or personal life, I believe that we all have enough troubles just being who we are and doing what we do, that I dont feel the need to take it any further than just not putting myself in the position to have to express my dislikes.
I dont know how I would handle this life we lead without these ladies! I love my husbad to death and he is my bestfriend, my confidant, my love, hes everything to me, but after all is said and done...He is still a guy. =/ haha. I love to have a little female companionship every now and then! Having friends out here has made a world of difference in my attitude, my day to day stresses, and really my whole outlook on the Navy Wife way of Life. Im not the type of girl who hangs out with a LARGE group of females. My reasoning..simply just because--everyone isnt always going to like everyone, and large groups mix the likables with the unlikables so people start talking and so on and so forth--and im sure guys do it too, but females just seem to stir the pot a little more I do believe! But we take the good with the bad and we move on, We are all just..who we are at the end of the day. No ones opinion should change that if we are happy with it ourselves.
I hate that my husband is gone as much as he is, it really puts a strain on our relationship, but Iv come to realize that we are stronger as a couple than ANYTHING the Navy can throw our way. Having these girls around has really improved our relationship tremendously. We have always had an amazing relationship we are both very honest and open with each other we can talk through anything I swear =)). He is amazing but sometimes this life gets to me as it does all of us, and of course he is on the other side of this life so he just...doesnt get it. & lord knows that trying to explain it to him is exhausting and useless! Of course he will listen and try his best to help and understand ...but its so much easier to have someone who knows first hand WHAT I MEAN!
Point of this blog being--I love these girls as much as I love some of my dearest and oldest friends! They have made HUGE change in ME and and My life. The Navy can be so stressful and take so much away from you as a person, and as a family, but it really has given us so much. We lead a very comfortable life, Our children have a great life and they dont want for a thing, we are by no means rich, but its a nice feeling knowing that we can provide the needs and some of the wants that they have. It has given me some of the greatest friends I wouldnt trade for the world. It has made me a better person by helping me to realize what is important in life, it has made me very proud of what my husband does. We have given up so much to be where we are, but we have Gained so much more!
Rashell & Sarah--The two of you have been the most wonderful part of this new life! I can honestly say that I dont know how I would make it through without you! Even when it comes down to Hair dryers and Sand buckets, you have never left my side! So many times friends stray and betray trust--I have never for a second thought that either of you are capable of ever hurting me. I put an enormous amount of trust in you as friends and fellow wives.
Now Im done pouring my heart out =)). I think its time for a new layout =))

1 comment:

  1. i loveee you & you mean everythingg to me:) lovee ur new blog background!!
