
Sunday, July 11, 2010

The New Look.

I think I finally found a design that Im happy with =)) Yay!
Hopefully this one will last more than a few weeks. I have a horrible habit of changing it wayyy too much.
So the update--I am getting together with a wonderful group of ladies tomorrow! I am super excited about it! Some of the ones that I already love dearly, and some new ones thrown in the mix, and some that I thought I lost but things are better now. --Side note for Brittany--I am so glad things are better with all of us, you are pretty much amazing. You can always lift my spirits, no matter the situation. I want to thank you so much for that! You really are a sweet person =))
Enough of that mushy heart felt stuff =// hehe. I am so ready for this underway to be done with! Its only been a few weeks but it feels like a deployment all over again! Emails stinks. Its always down. & speaking of email..all I get ever get from him on a day to day basis is "I love you, I miss you, I cant wait to be home, Whatd you do today? How are the girls?" & those are wonderful because no matter how small the sentence my heart stops everytime his name comes up on my phone, but it feels like we are having the SAME conversation EVERYDAY. I even wrote him a big long note last night so he would be in a good mood this morning, and I did get a small reply out of it..but by tonight it was back to the same old usual boringness. =((.
I know there isnt a real solution to this problem & thank god we dont have this problem with actually communicating at home! haha.
Gosh, I miss him so much. Even when he is home, I see him for like 3 hours a day MAX..but thats so much better than weeks [or months] at a time. But thats the life we choose. All day today Iv been singing "I knew who he was when I took his name, but some how knowing just isnt the same, late at night." Boy if that isnt the truth! That song makes me so emotional but I love it =)

1 comment:

  1. I really love that everything worked itself out. I think pretty highly of you too :) I love the new layout! It looks great. Nice job! Don't worry, you will see your hunny soon and I bet you anything all of us will do our best to make the rest of the time he is gone fly :)
